
#twitter #poems #poetry

I've been scribbling again...

Poems in 140 characters or less....


Are trans not women?
If you prick them
do they not bleed?
If you cage them
do they not sing?
If they come for trans
will they come for you?


 As Nancy Mitford sang
it was reet petite
at the fish scone bap
she scoffed in the street


I'm crossing the road
with scissors
sticking to the side streets
avoiding the stitches
and feeling
suddenly high.


black thoughts
black veiled eyes

too bright the dark
to darken the doorstep

of my, I, mine, me.


I'm going to be deep

and you are going
to feel
the pain

of watching
this poem


"Silique sod" she snorted
leaving a persistent partition.
"Brassicas" I replied.


I'm not feeling myself
since the head transplant.

This dogs body
takes some getting used to.

I miss shaking hands.


 Winning the lotttery
and being young
I opted for a head transplant.

"Give me the body of Schwarzenegger."

 Now I have arthritis
and an IAW.



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