
#poem #poetry #amwriting #sketchbook

I've been scribbling again...

Poems in 140 characters or less...


 I shall buy a hat with a brim
two thee button tweed jackets
one for bath and one for sleep
 I shall wear a cloak of purple
and slippers while shooting snipe
charitably cut pork pies into five


 Anna Logue scratched an itch with her pen
David Logue tapped, puns, at the table
together with coffee - the cat - verse ends


 looking back from my mothers skirts
I can't say what was wrong with my aunts kisses
though fear is a game sister liked to play


 put wood in toil tha clarty gall
be litted candle yon bubble
 in yawn tonic and gin


 in the last gaunt vestige of poetry
where darkness looms, death prevails
I took to painting the Sistine chapel
with a 000 brush


 upspoken the wind makes statements of questions
can you run no no like no then blow go go go


 *smokers cough*
Fuck Leeds



phlogiston tonic to debt incremental
the gun lay between us exciting potential
blood bonded in friendship excremental
we rise



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