time over time - it is to that church I go
to the hidden names - time over time
I creak the blistered rust of the gate
crunch over tiny pebbled narrow path
to the cold stone seat of the bird limed porch -
always a blackbird trills and loops in song
- so sweet - from top branch of the spreading yew
- and time over time clouds change
river bank - to draw the east wind to rain -
a rain that never comes - for the sighing wind
has no breath - just as time over time
I cannot move - for do I go to this place
in sadness or atonement - and time over time
the notices distract me - the calls to help -
or the tractor puttering in a distant field
for to complete this journey is simple -
I need only circle the carstone walls -
passing the remembering names - and -
The Blue Book
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