As the world holds it’s breath, for fear of coughing a lung up through it’s nose, social media companies companies are doing the responsible thing by suppressing fake news.
But there is no need to panic, for there are only 17,000 cases of the disease in China: of which only 361 people have died. We needn’t bother with the details: like only counting the cases in hospitals. Forget about the dead who have been cremated, or what is going on in the welded up houses. It’s fine.

Everyone is most excited to hear about the speed and efficiency with which the Chinese have built a hospital in Wuhan. It’s got all the mod cons: MRI machine, bars on the windows, and a guard post with an armed guard and a dog catchers pole to help the out-patients (or would be out patients).
But on no account must people spread false information. It’s just the flu, and it is perfectly normal for the Chinese government to bedeck the streets with artificial fog: and anyone who says different is a racist.
Talking of normal, the Chair of Harvard University Chemistry department, Prof Charles Lieber was arrested. Apparently Prof Lovely was a naughty boy by not declaring his work at the Wuhan University of Technology. Of course this has nothing to do with the Chinese Researchers in Canada…. turn off the 5G… sorry…. wrong researchers… how many Chinese researchers are there in Canada?
Oh wait…maybe they weren’t in Canada… they get everywhere these damned Chinese… oh and while I look for that link… The British are looking for some 4000 Chinese people (or it might have been 400)… no wait…. forget that, New York is sending the virus to the Swiss…
But don’t worry, US Health and Human Services Secretary, Alex Azar….
he has been transparent about what he doesn’t know *cough* about the
virus…. and he is going to go to China to help the spread… prevent the
Not that you should pay attention to that… not if you know what is good for you… as Zerohedge found out on Twitter, when they got banned for linking to a research paper… a quite wrong headed, and totally fake paper… that appeared to suggest the virus in China is manufactured. Apparently HIV (the original version) was mixed with the Coronavirus. Either that or some funky bats with the sniffles had a sex party shortly before getting eaten.
But don’t try saying that in Canada…. unless you have a licence…
In other news, eugenicist and misanthrope Greta Thunberg has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize….
Still is good news for the PrEPpes who took note of Baba Vanga.
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