Everyone is freaking out about the story of James Williment-Barr.
Did Boris Johnson look at the picture? Was Matt Hancock’s SpaD punched in the face or poked in the eye? Is Sarah Williment, James’ mother, a member of the Labour party?

Alright no one is asking the last question.
But given that Sarah Williment is a ‘ primary school learning mentor’ (whatever that is) and perhaps a school governor, I do find myself wondering how she doesn’t know that for the past three weeks a number of school’s in the area have been shut because of a virus. A number of other schools have been on the brink of closing because of the same virus.
Ergo, it is not surprising that the NHS would be ‘struggling to cope’. Whether that amounts, as Ms Williment’s claim to “ The NHS is in crisis.” I remain skeptical.
For I wonder if these outbreaks of Norovirus are related to the ongoing practice of Yorkshire Water pumping raw sewage into the rivers. And there is also flu going around (which may or may not be related to flu vaccinations spreading live flu virus everywhere).
But I’m guessing it is not such a sexy story for the Mirror front page as a four year old posed like the girl in the red coat from Schindler’s List.
Still best keep quiet about the bed closures on the respiratory ward at St Jimmies due to staff shortages…. as that would get us involved in complicated discussions about zero hours contracts and agency staff.
shan’t tell you what the missus said… she looked at the picture and
said, “what sort of mother lays her child down flat if she thinks it has
pneumonia?” She’s a heartless woman, my missus.
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