If you believe the latest figures with regard to Coronavirus: the rate of new infections and related deaths is falling. Which on the face of it would suggest the crisis has peaked.
But frankly it is a big ‘if’, when the message from the other side of the same mouth is the new ‘normal’ that you must not believe fake information, and you must only believe reputable sources.

However, being a humble satyr, it should be pointed out these same ‘voices of truth’, are the same voices pushing the nonsense about ‘anti-Chinese racism’, and just wash your hands, and don’t worry about the plastic tat from China you bought your kids for Christmas (make a mental note of the date December 8th).
In addition to only believing ‘official news’, the ‘official voice’ wants you to lick your i-Phone, making sure you get into every nook and cranny with your tongue, and don’t worry because the virus only lasts two hours outside of the body…. stoopid Chinese…
As a humble satyr, who cares little for you mere mortals, with your media Gods and your pride; to see the humble Pangolin reduced to the status of an escaped goat is most amusing. It is almost like you aren’t listening. How dare you think you can escape the clutches of the death cult.
Good… hopefully by now… you will accept this is not ‘official’ news. Which means, we dear reader can share information… of a must scurrilous, and impertinent kind…. Like how China is really dealing with this outbreak of… erm… flu….
Before that, two things need to be understood. The first is the links provided are contemporary (i.e. new, except for when they are not). The second is that some of the links will be dead, because for whatever reason ‘someone’ doesn’t want you to see them. For instance videos of the dead inside houses, or apartment blocks, when the ‘clean up’ teams go in.
Excuse the disclaimer, but apparently some folks get alarmed that they are required to think about things they read (preferring the lecture and regurgitate method of discourse), and don’t like it when a humble satyr mixes in jokes (without holding up a clapper board), and something else they complain about… erm… meh who cares…. they’ve already stopped reading; and are frantically tippy tapping to voice their ‘displeasure’ that they were not warned of satyrical playfulness…
Ah here it is…
according to…. oh, another dead link eh? Well that is annoying. And now
we won’t know if the Chinese Supreme Court has allowed the killing of
20,000 patients…. hummmm… oh well we shall just have to see if they revise the figures to bring them into line with the ‘conspiracy theory’ from Taiwan News…. or bother to record them at all….
Let’s see if this link is still working… (you’ll need to run it through google translate)… it’s the regulations for the Liaoning lockdown. As of yesterday, the entire province of Liaoning, some 43 million people, were required to disinfect all areas at least twice a day, not hoard food, report strangers, not have relatives stay in their house, report the infected, and to spend 14 days in quarantine if they leave their village or city block, etc…
Which should give you an idea of what life is like for some 400 million people (some say 140 million) at this present moment….
Oh yes… and you remember the fires in Wuhan…. and people were wondering …. were they burning bodies in the streets? … were people rebelling? … were they burning down infected houses? ….
Well… it seems, the authorities are moving in to clear out people and send them into quarantine. Is this a petrol bomb being thrown? I would hope not, it hardly seems comradely to moi….
But don’t worry… everything is under control…
not to wishing to make anyone cack themself… but speaking to someone
who works in this field, they are working on the assumption (and
planning on that basis) that 1 in 33 people in Wuhan have the disease (Lung Herpes).
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