Let’s see what they are up to today.

Which is clearly a perfectly reasonable response. As is the new policy of repeatedly punching a woman in the face. Death is the punishment for spreading the virus internationally or setting up road blocks, or blocking transportation systems… a bit of a Catch 21 situation there (don’t you think)….
As is the problem that the virus — even when cured — can reoccur…. don’t ask how I know, you’ll just have to shout ‘liar’ for a week, or so, until the ‘media’ gets round to finding out stuff… some infected people have relapsed three and four times. But on the bright side there is an actual cure, in the sense of the disease stops reoccurring, you just have to put up with organ damage.
Speaking of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, spare a thought for the bus drivers who transported 83 people from RAF Brize Norton to be quarantined on the Wirrel, Merseyside: a journey of 179 miles.
It seems a bus driver in Japan has caught the virus showing Chinese tourists the sights. And in Wuhan, He Hui, a volunteer driver for medical staff, has died. But don’t panic, the buses used to transport the people 179 miles have been thoroughly cleaned, and those using them will find no Opal Fruits wrappers… yay they have brought back the lemon ones….
Having condemned myself to 15 years for pointing out the above… I feel it my duty to stand in solidarity with the Philippine Senator, Tito Sotto, who “despite credible information” decided to play a YouTube video in parliament that blames George Soros, Bill Gates and the CIA for the outbreak… or to put it another way… to blame those behind the impeachment of Donald J Trump.
Not that there is any truth in Mr Sotto’s claims. It is a wild conspiracy. Everybody knows Alex Jones said it was Trump who released the virus, and not, as vertically-challenged Bloomberg news would have you believe, an accident.
On second thoughts, I won’t stand with Mr Sotto. In fact I will distance myself from him. There is a no evidence that Bill Gates wants a reduction in world population. And, George Soros is a lovely man. And, this ‘flu’ is no laughing matter. It’s very serious…
We only have twelve years left to live, unless we change our ways and adopt the Green future. If only the Chinese government would cut their greenhouse gas emissions… if only there were some way… if only Greta’s dreams were not being snatched from her by all those evil old people….
Speaking of India, I notice they have adopted a thoroughly racist policy of cancelling all visas (so get out) for anyone who has been to China recently. What can they be thinking? I mean it’s just the flu. And look at how healthy the Indians currently in quarantine are.
Kerala — a place most Americans can’t find on a map — has declared an emergency. And, told anyone who has been to China not to leave their homes for 28 days…. a bit of a Catch 23 situation there (don’t you think)…
Now you might think that being locked up in your own home for 28 days would be annoying. But it turns out the Chinese are loving it.
But let’s not worry…
Pakistan is gearing up to stop the virus spreading….
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