
'poem #poetry #amwriting media


this isn't widely known
whisper it
build up the suspense
wipe the memory of the young
push the mammary to their lips

hate your parents
hate them
hate them

this isn't widely known
whisper it
build the suspense
wipe the memory from their past
implant the falseness of the present

sieg apple
sieg bbc

this isn't widely known
whisper it

whisper it

history doesn't have lines
only continuums
and you don't have to choose sides

and the symbols
that once would strike you down
are the symbols you are fed
with just enough change
to make poison daily bread

this isn't widely known
whisper it

sieg apple
sieg grammar

sieg life
in repose
without electric vogue

and love those who would hate you
and reject propaganda
of those who claim your love

The Blue Book

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