Post modern, feminist, lapsed pagan, one time vegetarian, pacifist warmonger, are all labels that could apply to the work of Jeremy Young.
Flippant, irreverent, overly serious, and challenging to the point of obscurity, are some more descriptions.
Bearded, is another.
Were Edna Wellthorpe still in possession of a pen, her libations would be filling the letter pages of newspapers within the Clitheroe, Batley, Goole triangle, at the outrageous, subversiveness of Young's poetic messages. Subjects such as war, love, sex, death, cross dressing, ex girlfriends, animal rights, stillbirth, mental health, erections on buses, mysticism, and poking fun at the Daily Mail, can only upset the impressionable and corrupt the morals of the young.
From his Ilkey lair Young plans - when he can work out who to upload a Kindle book - to unleash the Pilgrimage of Grace that is the dreaded Blue Book.
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